💱The Valorisation Of The Currency N01zet AZL

The N01zet AZL currency will be issued at a value of EUR 0.01. Its evolution and increase in value will depend on:

  • N01zet's growth with performance indicators such as the number of customers, turnover, profitability, number of partners, suppliers, employees, in a word, all stakeholders. Because the equation is simple: the more N01zet increases the number of its stakeholders and its performance indicators, the higher the valuation of N01zet AZL will be.

  • The supply and demand of the crypto market and in particular the desire to acquire the N01zet AZL currency.

  • The Halving Day which will create a scarcity of AZL.

  • The N01zet ecosystem that will allow players to exchange their goods and services offers on the N01zet platform.

  • The access to the NFT inter-company market place whose currency of exchange will be the AZL. The success of the NFT will be a significant boost to the liquidity of N01zet AZL

  • The complementary services: specific privileged offers of products and goods from N01zet partners, access rights to N01zet governance or voting rights.

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