The N01zet Index
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In order to determine the commitment of stakeholders in the actions carried out by the company and to allow for better inclusion of stakeholders in the value sharing policy or a better valorization of initiatives, (particularly through NFT), the N01zet team wanted to create a new index.
This indicator, based on the values of the blockchain (accessibility, real-time consolidation of transactions), will enable company managers (human resources management, financial management, and general management) to have a real-time view of the value-sharing policy as well as the real impacts of CSR initiatives through the set of tools supported by the "N01zet Sharing Value Platform".
To achieve this goal, we will need to use the theory of money of the American economist Irving Fisher. He developed the quantitative theory of money: MV = PT (where M = stock of money in circulation, P = price level, V =speed of circulation of money and T = volume of transactions).
We will measure the commitment of stakeholders using the wealth produced by the company. This wealth is materialized by the number of tokens (E-C01Ns) issued by the company to its stakeholders
The speed of circulation of E-C01NS (i.e. their speed of use), their consumption, and their (i.e. the speed at which they are used) and the number of transactions is all indicators of employee engagement and the value of CSR actions, particularly through the new financial products, actions that are the NFTs (E-C01N-NFT).
From the Fisher equation, we can deduce a performance index of social commitment.
If we relate this equation to the level of the company using the platform N01zet
N01 = the index N01zet, At time T M = total quantity of tokens in circulation, this is an internal money supply within the company within the N01zet Sharing Value platform T = the number of transactions P = the price of the transaction (the number of tokens exchanged multiplied by the unit value of the token)
N01 becomes the indicator of the speed of circulation of tokens, i.e. the speed of transformation of tokens into goods and services. (Enterprise Marketplace) or savings (N01zet plan) or into investment. (Marketplace NFT) within the platform. The measurement of speed is measured by calculating the time it takes for the tokens distributed by the company to be used through the different devices of the N01zet Sharing Value Platformโ.
Po, To, MB value at time To (baseline).
The N01zet index will allow the correlation of a company's financial performance with its social and environmental impact.
Good performance will allow for an increase in the money supply distributed by the company to its employees materialized by the E-C01Ns tokens. The reason for this is that the number of tokens distributed will increase with the operational, financial performance, and also with other performance measures chosen by the company, including social and environmental impact.
Other strategic measures within the company can be in terms of indicators of the social and environmental impact of the company's actions.
Social and environmental impact is further measured through the liquidity of transactions within the company: the token used for consumption (on the company Marketplace), donations (peer-to-peer or to associations and foundations), precautionary savings (on the N01zet plan), and investment (the NFT platform). The measurement of this liquidity, the speed of circulation and the number of transactions will be based on the number of tokens and their circulation within the N01zet platform for the company.
This measure (the N01zet index) will become the index of both financial performance and the social and environmental impact within the company.
These indicators will be calculated in real-time to have the best visibility of the of the actions taken by the company so that we could meet the economic, financial, operational, social, and environmental challenges