The N01zet Innovation
N01zet: an innovative solution
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N01zet: an innovative solution
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The value proposition we want to bring is completely new in its functional and technological nature: value-sharing devices on the blockchain. This new value proposition has a lot of potential. Our applied research consists of original research work undertaken in order to acquire new knowledge and directed mainly towards a determined practical goal or objective: to offer on the market: innovation with a societal and economic impact: a fun, simplified, transparent, and secure popular capitalism. And this through systematic work - based on knowledge from blockchain research, AI and analytical data and practical experience and producing new technical knowledge - aims to lead to a drastic innovation (we talk about a quantum leap) of existing processes.
The value proposition we want to bring is completely new in its functional and technological nature: value-sharing devices on the blockchain. This new value proposition has a lot of potential. Our applied research consists of original research work undertaken in order to acquire new knowledge and directed mainly towards a determined practical goal or objective: to offer on the market: innovation with a societal and economic impact: a fun, simplified, transparent, and secure popular capitalism. And this through systematic work - based on knowledge from blockchain research, AI and analytical data and practical experience and producing new technical knowledge - aims to lead to a drastic innovation (we talk about a quantum leap) of existing processes.
The solution of N01zet allows for removing the following uncertainties:
Thanks to the application of agile methodologies and adapted tools (DevOps, Cloud) that allow an incremental and iterative approach to integrating as progress is made to integrate the solutions to remove the problems or uncertainties encountered. Rigorous planning with an organization with precise objectives allows concretizing each phase of the
The validity of our research will allow the opening of markets for new companies (start-ups, Fintechs) using our approach and our solutions to revitalize the corporate savings market and company-employee loyalty in France, Europe and worldwide.
Most organizations structure their software assets in a way that creates a lot of tight coupling between different services, making it difficult to add or remove services without causing code changes. This is because services depend on each other to produce responses to customer requests, and there is often a giant monolithic database at the core that is hard to decouple and modernize. Batch jobs also cause delays and limitations.
To address these challenges,N01zet are using event-driven architecture with Kafka as an effective solution to reverse how we look at data, service coupling, and versioning.
Made possible using event-driven microservices.
Transactions validated(business rules) by EOS smart contracts.
EOS can process significant number of transactions per second with sub second latencies thus can support real-world use cases serving millions of users.
EOS does not require any fee for each transaction, however in order to use Bandwidth, Computation & Storage, a sender needs to pay EOS tokens.
Flexibility to deploy on EOS mainnet or private EOS cluster.
Deployed on metric driven horizontally auto-scaled Kubernetes cluster.
Deep operational insights from logs, metrics and traces using open telemetry.
With event driven architecture here are some of the opportunities we have in our system design, which I will explain deeper a bit later:
Use Events as Notification to Collaborate: this will transform how our services collaborate to move away from central chain command to a stream of events where needed.
Event carried state transfer: to carry state along the events and reduce remote service calls to fetch data necessary to complete the job intended to be done by event consumers.
Event sourcing: rebuilding and replaying logs as an opportunity to fix side effects of past errors, create alternate states, or as a mean to recover from disasters or perform audits.
EOS: Every transaction is validated by an EOS smart contract.
CQRS: to segregate commands from queries leading to potential increased system efficiency.
Microservices is an architectural style with a collection of services that are:
Highly maintainable and testable
Loosely coupled
Independently deployable
Organized around business capabilities
It also enables adding or removing services in a workflow without impacting existing services and delivering messages in the order received
Additionally, it can be used to make certain views readily available to the rest of the application as soon as the underlying data changes and to connect to legacy systems to access data.
N01zet automatically generates, compiles and deploys a unique and personalised contract for each organisation on its platform. Each smart contract provides a private and secure ecosystem for interactions within an organisation without fear of corruption from the outside world.
In next evolution, the smart contract allow for inter-organization communication as configured by each organization.
Conventional blockchain contracts are immutable, once deployed, they cannot be changed. For example, smart contracts deployed on the Ethereum blockchain are nonmutable. The current limitation may result in a disadvantage as it becomes difficult to iterate needed changes to smart contracts on the blockchain. Taking into consideration the possible future needs of our customers and their possibility for growth and change, N01zet has innovated in the design of smart contracts with agility and flexibility. The advantage of the smart contracts we deployed for organisations on N01zet is their structure has been engineered to allow future iterations on the blockchain. Thus while still immutable, the smart contract's data and structure can be updated at any time to suit our customers' needs.